Thursday, September 28, 2006



Blogger Pan Haiku Review said...

Fantastic! I love the music, was it local musicians?

I would have liked to see some of the text better, but I loved the whole atmosphere of this. Utterly compelling and beautiful.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Little Onion said...

Hi alan,

No the music used is the original music from the Japanese monster movie Mothra. Putting the video with the soundtrack is intended as a detourned element - again suprising comparison - the film is essentially about a huge moth that protects the remote island it lives on and two tiny princesses that live there too from environmental and industrial exploitation etc...

i'll dig the words out at some point

Mothra went on to star in several more films including Mothra vs Godzilla...

Mus be about time for the Bristol Poetry festival - or has it just been?



10:39 AM  
Blogger Pan Haiku Review said...

Yep, love that Mothra dude!

The Bristol Poetry Festival and the Bradford on Avon Arts Festival have been and gone. ;-)

I'm doing some non-haiku stuff which combines the two Raglan poems, after chatting to Brendan Kennelly.

Brief details on Area 17.

all my best, hope all is well, seen you've been real busy with fine stuff my fellow virgo! ;-)

1:51 PM  

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